Thursday, December 11, 2014

As a dad what do I really want for Christmas?

I am a stay at home dad of twins plus a singleton. I am a member of the National at-Home Dad Network and attended my first convention in Denver this past September. I am in an online group and give advice and ask for advice. I've never claimed I'm super and don't expected to be treated like I am. I clean the house and take care of wife even comes home and cleans the house too...three kids can be hard to keep up with. With the holidays right around the corner I made my list. I want typical things, but they are specific to me. I asked for a streaming player, a ninja juicer/blender, anything Doctor Who, Michigan Wolverines stuff Rays Stuff...I even asked for stuff to do with the kids. So I am always interested when some where I go puts out a gift guide for gives me ideas. One of the parenting sites I love is Twiniversity...because well it's a lot of twinformation. I enjoy hearing from parents of twins...there are even a gaggle of at-home dads with twins. 

We dads can be touchy, and yeah we can be sensitive. We hate when we have people tell us were babysitting our own children...we also hate being made to feel incompetent. We are capable of caring for kids. We also don't need to write names on diapers to remember there names. 

When you make a list of stuff for dad don't insult us. I was reading the gift list for dads on Twiniversity  ( ) it was a great list except a few items but I was drawn to the opening picture of a dad with a sharpie writing names on diapers...I get it was intended to be humorous. Guess what it wasn't...also an ostrich pillow for naps at work really...

Okay so I looked at the mom gift guide ( ) you know they had pictures of... the gifts...even a fancy created image for the header...

Merry Christmas Dad we got you a dose of incompetence.

What do I really want for Christmas?

Stop insulting dads...please!